You’ve taught me a bushel of information and given me a taste for learning even more! Thank you, Mr. Webster!
Sit back, have a drink and celebrate. It's your birthday. Have a blast!
Wishing you a Christmas full of good vibes and great food. You out-twinkle my tree lights.
Happy holidays! Hope your season is filled with just the right amount of chaos, laughs, and corny holiday sweaters.
Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever. Enjoy the ride.
Happy Thanksgiving. May the warm glow of autumn surround you as you celebrate the holiday with family & friends.
Wow, you two know how to throw a party! Thanks for having [us/me] and congrats on a beautiful day.
Your dedication and sincere efforts at work are truly inspiring. You've motivated me to challenge myself and I've seen myself grow because of it. Keep motivating others!
The past few years have been a learning sphere under your mentorship. Thank you for teaching me everything I know.
Wishing you a birthday surrounded by love, laughter, and joy. You're my favorite.
The moment they said, "It's a girl," I knew we were in for an adventure. You have yet to disappoint. Happy birthday.
On your special day, we want to express our gratitude for your exceptional leadership and mentorship. Happy Birthday, boss! May your year ahead be as rewarding and successful as you have made for us at work.
Cheers to a couple who exemplify a good and healthy partnership. Happy anniversary.
A quarter may not sound like a lot in money, but in marriage centuries, you two prove it's worth a fortune.
Your skills and street smartness have made my work life easier. Thank you for being such a good colleague.
My heart beats for you every day, but it beats a little sweeter today. Happy birthday, adorable daughter.
Dad, your wisdom and guidance have been my compass in life. May your birthday be a celebration of the amazing father you are. Happy Birthday!
Sending you prayers for unending love and happiness.
On your birthday, let's remember something important: It’s better to be a year older than a month late. Cheers to more years of fun and laughter!
I admire the strong, young man you’ve become. Happy birthday, son!