Let your all the dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Have a gorgeous birthday.
Thank you for paving the way, making me patient and brave. Mostly, thank you for always being a safe place to land. Happy birthday, Dad.
Love is the greatest blessing.
Dad, your wisdom and guidance have been my compass in life. May your birthday be a celebration of the amazing father you are. Happy Birthday!
December babies are extra special because they bring even more light to this time of year. Have the happiest birthday!
Happy Birthday, Dad! They say with age comes wisdom, so you must be the wisest person I know. Or maybe you just forgot how old you are!
Spring is sprung and Easter is here!
We’re on the crazy journey of life together, and I can’t think of a wackier co-pilot. Thanks for always being you in all your wacky glory. Happy anniversary, sweetie.
Here’s to a brilliant new year.
A wedding band is the smallest handcuff ever made. I’m glad I chose my cellmate wisely.
How lucky am I to call you my mother? You bring so much beauty into this world, and I hope you get that back on your special day.
Every birthday that passes, I realize just how much you did for me and this family. Thanks for being the best dad I could have asked for. Have the best day!
When I say my prayers, I always think of you. Thank you for everything you've done and have the best day.
Every love song is about you. Happy Valentine's Day!
High-five to your [insert number]-year milestone.
Mom—I love you today, tomorrow, and every day after. Here's to you.
You've come so far and your future together is so bright. Happy wedding day.
As we raise a toast to celebrate your birthday, I want to raise a toast to the incredible person you are. Happy Birthday, my dear friend! Your kindness, compassion, and genuine heart touch the lives of everyone around you, and I feel truly blessed to call you my friend. May your birthday be filled with love, laughter, and all the happiness in the world. Here's to another year of shared adventures and unforgettable memories.
"Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It's huge and scary—it's an act of infinite optimism." —Gilda Radner
We were all blessed the moment you entered this world, so today we celebrate you!