Happy birthday to my wonderful son. You make my life complete.
Thank you for being the best friend ever. Happy holiday season!
Happy Birthday, my little scientist! Your curiosity and love for learning make every day an adventure.
I cannot express how much of a valuable resource you are to our team and to me. Your expertise and insight is always so helpful. Thank you for being you!
I hope you're ready for tons of chocolate and pretty painted eggs. Happy Easter!
Happy birthday to our shining star. Your brilliance lights up our lives.
I promise to love you more this year than last, but less than next year. Happy New Year, babe!
Happiest of birthdays to the woman who got me through middle/high school. Sorry for all the stress!
Even though I try to be strong for you, there are days when I wish I could protect you forever.
When I look at you, I see a remarkable woman who doesn’t let anything get in the way of her dreams. You’re truly an inspiration. I hope you enjoy your special day to the fullest!
Today is my beautiful mother's birthday. Let's make it special!
Wishing you the very best on your special day this year, my sweet sister.
Your courage and strength inspire me to be my best.
Keep dreaming big, working hard, and reaching for the stars. The world is waiting for all the incredible things you’ll do. Happy birthday!
My sincere wish is that may God make your every dream come true. Let’s celebrate your birthday with cheerfulness, Maa!
Your love and sacrifices have shaped our family. Happy 70th, Dad!
Daughter, on your birthday, you won the gift lottery. You got to be related to us.
When I see you laugh, it still reminds me of the way you would giggle as a baby, innocent and pure.
The way you used to ask for one more bedtime story is still with me every night as I see you growing into a young woman.
Happy Birthday to my brilliant daughter who makes me proud in so many ways.