Happy birthday to the most wonderful son a mother could ask for.
You’ve always been there in all my ups and downs. I don’t have words to express how much I love you. Happy birthday to you!
Dear Mum, on your birthday I’d like to let you know that you are a queen. And as your prince, I love you more than all the water in the seven seas.
Happy birthday to the most amazing daughter. We're so grateful for the joy you bring into our lives.
Every year on this day, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have a mom like you.
I don’t know what I did to deserve a son as caring, thoughtful and loving as you. I really hit the jackpot when you were born. Happy birthday!
Wishing you the gift of faith and the blessing of hope this thanksgiving day!
I can’t wait to celebrate with you today. Happy birthday!
Your love and guidance are always with me.
Happy New Year! Let’s eat, drink, and be merry.
You're my Wonder Woman/Superman.
Happy Birthday to my smart, strong, and fearless daughter. Watching you grow fills me with pride every day.
Having an oddball of a friend like you is the best! I never know what I’m going to get when I’m with you!
Love is the greatest blessing.
A true friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Happy Birthday to my truest friend!
Mumma, your wisdom, courage, and kindness amaze me! Happy Birthday to you!
You have always been a shining example of strength and kindness. Happy Birthday, my warrior princess.
Happy 70th birthday, Dad! Your journey is a reminder that dreams do come true.
It’s been great having you as my teacher this year! Thanks for everything, Mr. Zaner!
You are the reason we smile every day. Happy birthday, our beloved daughter!