Separately you’re both powerful individuals, but together as a pair — you’re unstoppable! Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples!
Time to party like it's your birthday. Oh wait, it is!
Dad, your guidance has been my compass in life. On your birthday, I wish you all the happiness and fulfillment you deserve. Happy Birthday!
May your day be as bright and wonderful as you've made mine. Happy Birthday!
My friend, I’m wishing you a ludicrously good birthday this year!
Have a very hoppy Easter!
I couldn’t survive a day without you. I’m so glad we’ve lived to see another year together.
Happy birthday to the smartest, strongest, most dedicated, devoted man I know!
Count not the candles…see the lights they give. Count not the years, but the life you live. Wishing you a wonderful time ahead. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to the girl who stole my heart and my last piece of chocolate!
Like you and me, some things are just meant to be.
Celebrate what you want to see more of. Tom Peters
I suppose it’s too late to return you to sender, right? OK, I guess I’ll keep you! Happy birthday!
No one in this world has taught me more than you. May your birthday be filled with love.
It’s been a journey … one I’d do all over again.
I would have said I loved you more than chocolate, but that would be a lie. Hehehe. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey.
Congratulations on another year of being awesome! Keep shining bright like the diamond that you are.
Cheers to the man who taught me the meaning of love. Happy Birthday!
You’ve shown me what true strength looks like, and I am in awe of the woman you’ve become.
Looking back at the year we’ve had together, I’m filled with gratitude. Let’s make this year even better, together.