I love you more than I could ever express. Thank you for everything you did for me. Happy birthday mother!
Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad! Thanks for always making the holidays feel magical — and for putting up with my crazy Christmas wish lists over the years. (There’s still time to get me those rollerskates, by the way!) You’re the best, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you.
As you grow in grace and wisdom, may you find joy in the Lord’s presence. Happy Birthday, beloved daughter. Your journey is illuminated by His light.
Happy Birthday to our daughter who has always been so independent and strong. May your future be bright and successful.
To my strong and determined daughter, happy birthday! Keep conquering the world.
You can inspire me like no one else. I don’t need anyone else as long as I have you by my side. Happiest birthday mummy! Many hugs and kisses to you on your special day!
Nothing lights up my world more than you! Wishing you the happiest birthday ever.
May your 18th birthday be filled with love, happiness, and success. I’ll always be here to support you through it all.
My sincere wish is that may God make your every dream come true. Let’s celebrate your birthday with cheerfulness, Maa!
I should be the one getting presents today. After all, I’m the one who gave you life! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the coolest and most confident kid I’ve ever known! Happy birthday, son.
Happy Birthday, Dad! You are my hero and my inspiration.
Dad, your love and support have always been my guiding light. Happy 60th birthday!
Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl! May you chase your dreams fearlessly and achieve them with grace.
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
If you were not my mom already, then I would be absolutely jealous of whoever was your daughter. You’re awesome, Mom. Happy Birthday!
May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump, and may your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. And, may your yams be delicious, and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs.
Happy birthday to my incredible son. You mean the world to me.
A dad like you deserves a great birthday. Here's to you and all you've accomplished!
You are my role model and the person I look up to most, big sis. I’m very lucky and truly blessed to have you in my life.