You really know how to put a smile on someone’s face and knowledge in someone’s head. Thank you!
Let your dreams take flight in the new year!
You’re the biggest ray of light in our entire family. Happy birthday to my beloved son!
Happy birthday, daughter. I was going to bake you a cake, but then I realized baking is hard. I'll give you a birthday wish instead.
Today is my beautiful mother's birthday. Let's make it special!
Happy birthday, Mama. Don't party too hard tonight!
Happy birthday to the smartest, strongest, most dedicated, devoted man I know!
Giving thanks for friends like you on this special occasion. Happy Easter!
You’re the cream to my coffee — I’ll always have the hots for you! Happy anniversary, babe!
The moment they said, "It's a girl," I knew we were in for an adventure. You have yet to disappoint. Happy birthday.
Working with you on this project actually makes me look forward to coming into the office. The time and effort you put in to bring me up-to-date has been a game-changer for me. Thanks for helping to make my skills better, one day at a time.
To the guy who always exceeds expectations: I can't wait to see what this year brings you.
Spelling my father out: Fierce. Adventurous. Thoughtful. Heroic. Emotional. Rad. Happy birthday, dad!
You’re still the best gift in my life. Thanks for keeping me sane, laughing at my terrible jokes, and being the amazing person you are. Merry Christmas!
May your birthday sparkle as much as the holiday lights! Wishing you joy, laughter, and a beautiful year ahead.
To quote Shakespeare: ‘Party thine ass off!’
In the cookies of life, friends are the chocolate chips. Happy Birthday to my sweetest friend!
Your skills and street smartness have made my work life easier. Thank you for being such a good colleague.
Happy birthday to the one person who can get me and my siblings to stop bickering!
Happy Birthday, Dad! Your love and wisdom light up my world.